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Postcards - Souvenir from Hawaii
Description -
Rainbow Falls; This famous waterfall lies a little over a mile from town. One follows Waianuenue Street mauka, until the road forks, when the northerly branch is taken. A few hundred yeards beyond the first bridge crossed, makai of the road, lies the park, which has been set aside right by the fall. The legend has it that the goddess Hina lived in the cave under the fall. A dragon, Kuna-moo, tried to drown her by throwing up a dam, makai of the fall. She called for aid to her son, Maui, who was at the time at Haleakala, trying to lasso the sun. He crossed the ocean in his canoe in two strokes (the double rock at the mouth of the river is still called "Maui's canoe") and chased the dragon to the "Boiling Pots," where he threw red-hot stones in the water, scalding the monster, which he finally killed.; [from the front]: Rainbow Falls, Hawaii; [part of postcard pack containing images from PPWD-20-5-031 to PPWD-20-5-050]
Photo Credit -
Moses Stationery Company Limited
Gift Of -
St. Louis County Historical Society
Received Date -
Jan. 1980
Display Date -