34 results for "kalakaua AND coronation"

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• Box: PNM-311 • Negative Number: 20098 • Name: HAWAIIAN COAT OF ARMS • Description: See "Hawaii's Great Seal and Coat of Arms" by Meiric K. Dutton, p. 13 for copy of the seal. Shows the Coat of Arms from the Kalakaua Coronation Invitation.
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/48lq
  • Reference: PNM-311-20638
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Royalty - Queen Kapiolani

• Series: PP • Box #: 97 • Folder #: 15 • Image #: 013 • Title: Royalty - Queen Kapiolani • Description: Kapiolani - Coronation dress • Negative Number: PC 124-S • Negative Size: 5x7, 4x5 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Description: Wearing her coronation gown, seated on her throne draped with a feather cape. Her crown sits on a pillow on a feather draped stand. Keywords: Royalty Title: Kapiolani, Queen consort of Kalakaua, 1834-1899. Date: 1883
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BCw
  • Reference: PP-97-15-013
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Royalty - Queen Kapiʻolani

• Series: PP • Box #: 97 • Folder #: 15 • Image #: 006 • Title: Royalty - Queen Kapiʻolani • Description: This negative [#124-U] withdrawn - broken; See negative # 124 EE • Negative Number: PC 124-EE • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Description: She wears her coronation dress and the cordon and royal order of Kalakaua. Keywords: Royalty Title: Kapiolani, Queen consort of Kalakaua, 1834-1899. Date: Feb. 1883
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BCn
  • Reference: PP-97-15-006
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Royalty - Queen Kapiolani

• Series: PP • Box #: 97 • Folder #: 14 • Image #: 001 • Title: Royalty - Queen Kapiolani • Description: Coronation Dress; taken by Hawaii Photo, Castle & Cooke Bldg; negative cracked - 5x7 • Photo Credit: Hawaii Photo • Negative Number: PC 124-S • Negative Size: 5x7, 4x5 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Description: Kapiolani, Queen consort of Kalakaua, 1834-1899. She is seated on a feather cape-draped chair. Keywords: Royalty Title: Queen Kapiolani wearing her coronation gown. Date: 1883
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BBZ
  • Reference: PP-97-14-001
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Royalty - Kapiolani, Queen

• Series: PP • Box #: 97 • Folder #: 15 • Image #: 021 • Title: Royalty - Kapiolani, Queen • Description: Not the coronation gown; Plate 3 : Queen Kapiolani wearing her London-made coronation gown of white satin and lace with a crimson velvet court train embroidered in gold • From Collection: Loraine Kuck Collection • Negative Number: PC 124-H • Negative Size: 8x10 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Description: She wears the cordon and royal order of Kamehameha I. Keywords: Royalty Title: Kapiolani, Queen consort of Kalakaua, 1834-1899. Date: ca. 1875
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BCH
  • Reference: PP-97-15-021
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Emblems - Coat of Arms

• Series: PP • Box #: 17 • Folder #: 10 • Image #: 015 • Title: Emblems - Coat of Arms • Description: Coat of Arms from the Kalakaua Coronation Invitation. Page 13 in Dutton's Booklet. • Negative Number: 16,374 • Negative Size: 4x5, 5x7 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Title: Emblems: State Seal & Coat of Arms
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BqD
  • Reference: PP-17-10-015
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Queen Kapiolani

• Series: PP • Box #: 97 • Folder #: 14 • Image #: 002 • Title: Queen Kapiolani • Description: Coronation Dress. • Photo Credit: Williams, James J. (1853–1926) • Negative Number: 2000.218; PC 124-CC • Negative Size: 4x5, 5x7 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Keywords: Royalty Title: Kapiolani, Queen consort of Kalakaua, 1834-1899.
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1BC0
  • Reference: PP-97-14-002
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Historical Events - Coronation, King Kalakaua, Feb. 12, 1883

• Series: PP • Box #: 36 • Folder #: 4 • Image #: 003 • Title: Historical Events - Coronation, King Kalakaua, Feb. 12, 1883 • Description: THE SANDWICH ISLANDS CORONATION. Some account was given last week of the ceremonial which took place at Honolulu, the capital of the Sandwich Islands (Kingdom of Hawaii), on Feb. 12, when their Majesties King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani were crowned in presence of the chief personages of the realm, and of several thousand spectators. These found accommodation in a Grand Stand erected in front of the Royal Palace, which is a stately edifice with arcades support by Corinthian pillars; in the centre of the inclosed space was a domed pavilion, of octagonal shape, open at the sides, and decorated with heraldic shields in colours, and with small flags of different nations. The soldiers forming the guard of honour stood close along the front wall of the Palace. Among the privileged spectators in the verandah of the Palace were the British Commissioner and Consul-General, Mr. J. H. Wodehouse, with his wife and daughter, the American, French, and other diplomatic and consular agents, and the commanders and officers of H.M.S. Mutine and other foreign ships of war. The King and Queen, with their three young daughters, were accompanied by the Marshals and Chaplain of the Household, the Chancellor (the Hon. Francis Judd), the President of the Legislative Assembly (Hon. Godfrey Rhodes), the Hon. W. C. Parke, Colonel J. H. Boyd, and the principal native officials of the Court. The Hon. J. M. Kapena, Master of the Household, made proclamation of the style and titles of his Majesty, who thereupon swore to maintain the Constitution. He received first the symbols of the ancient native chieftainship, afterwards the sword and sceptre, the ring and mantle of feathers, presented respectively by the Princes and nobles thereto appointed; the Chancellor, Mr. Judd, conducting these proceedings in due form. The crown was finally presented by Mr. Godfrey Rhodes, on behalf of the Legislative Assembly, with a similar crown (of gold, lined with crimson velvet) for Queen Kapiolani. The King took the first crown, and put it on his own head and he next put the second crown on the head of his wife. A prayer and benediction having been pronounced by the Chaplain, the Rev. A. Mackintosh, the guns and ships fired a Royal salute, and the choir sang an anthem, which ended the proceedings for that day. Two days after this, there was another grand ceremony, the unveiling of the bronze statue of Kamehameha I., the founder of the Hawaiian dynasty.; [from the front]: Coronation of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii); I.L.N; 7th Apl 1883 • Photo Credit: Illustrated London News • From Collection: Captain Cook Collection • Negative Number: HC 22,761; 17,991 • Negative Size: 4x5 • Display Date: 1883 April 4 • Start Date: 04/07/1883 • End Date: 04/07/1883 • Contributed Metadata: Description: Artist's drawing published in "The Illustrated London News," April 7, 1883. Shows King Kalakaua crowning himself. Keywords: King Kalakaua, Coronation Title: Coronation ceremony of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani. Date: 1883
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1zTw
  • Reference: PP-36-4-003
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Kalakaua, King David

• Series: PP • Box #: 96 • Folder #: 16 • Image #: 008 • Title: Kalakaua, King David • Description: (The Merry Monarch of Hawaii); Born: November 16, 1836; Reigned: February 12, 1874; Grand Coronation: February 12, 1873; Died: January 20, 1891; Reigned: (1874-1891); Recip[r]ocity Treaty passed in 1876, under which the sugar industry of Hawaii advanced so rapidly. Afterwards when the treaty was extended the U.S. secured Pearl Harbor for use as a Naval coaling station, but it was not taken up for that purpose until annexation in 1898. • Negative Number: PC 97-D • Negative Size: 8x10, 4x5 • Display Date: undated • Contributed Metadata: Keywords: Royalty Title: Kalakaua, King of Hawaii, 1836-1891.
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/1DzV
  • Reference: PP-96-16-008
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• Box: PNMPC-2 • Negative Number: 109-V • Name: PRINCE J.K. KALANIANAOLE'S FUNERAL • Description: The Catafalque at the front steps of the Iolani Palace. King Kalakaua's coronation Tabu stick carried by High Chief David Hoapili, Jr. followed by Sacred Kahilis. For photo see photographic file "Funerals-Liliuokalani". (Envelope says Kalanianaole's funeral, rough index says Liliuokalani's?)
  • Level: Record
  • ID: ark:70111/48vb
  • Reference: PNMPC-2-20840