About DocumentCloud
DocumentCloud is a platform founded on the belief that if journalists were more open about their sourcing, the public would be more inclined to trust their reporting. The platform is a tool to help journalists share, analyze, annotate and, ultimately, publish source documents to the open web.
DocumentCloud is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization totally committed to trust and transparency. All of our code is open source and available on Github.
Contact us with questions about accounts or using DocumentCloud.
DocumentCloud was founded in 2009 with a grant from the Knight News Challenge. After two years as an independent nonprofit organization, DocumentCloud became a project of Investigative Reporters and Editors in June 2011.
In August 2017, DocumentCloud was spun off from IRE and again became an an independent nonprofit organization based in Philadelphia, PA, supported by Temple University’s Klein College of Media.
DocumentCloud Staff
Ted Han has been leading DocumentCloud's technology efforts with a product focus since 2011. He studied computational linguistics and has worked in technology and startups for more than a decade. He was selected as a participant in the Knight Mozilla Journalism Challenge and has worked on DataMapper, Merb and a variety of data-based projects, including the CrisisCommons response to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
Aron Pilhofer is a co-founder and executive director of DocumentCloud. He is also the James B. Steele Chair in Journalism Innovation at Temple University. Prior to joining Temple, Pilhofer held senior editorial and business-side roles at The Guardian in London and was a senior editor at The New York Times.
DocumentCloud Founders and Alumni
DocumentCloud would not be here except for the vision and dedication of its founders and staff, past and present. In 2009, Pilhofer, Scott Klein and Eric Umansky of ProPublica received a Knight News Challenge grant that provided the initial funding to hire staff and launch the platform.
Jeremy Ashkenas was the project's lead developer from 2009 to 2011, creating an impressive array of open source document processing and UX components including CloudCrowd, Docsplit and the DocumentCloud platform itself. Out of his work on the project came the widely used Backbone.js JavaScript framework and the Underscore.js JavaScript library. Jeremy continues to contribute ideas, advice and code.
Amanda Hickman was DocumentCloud's program director from 2009 to 2011. Amanda was responsible for training, outreach and helping set the platform's priorities. Her dogged outreach brought hundreds of newsrooms on board.
Samuel Clay was a developer for DocumentCloud from 2010 to 2011 and contributed several key components to the platform, including visual faceted search in the workspace.
Anthony DeBarros was director of product development from 2015 to 2016.
Justin Reese joined the DocumentCloud team in 2015 and focused on front-end components.
Lauren Grandestaff, director of IRE's Resource Center, provided support to DocumentCloud users.